Garage Gang Gyms LLC

Why Other Programs Didn't Work For You:

  • Your last program didn't help you with nutrition.
  • If it did, the recipes were too complex, time consuming or just plain gross!
  • Your workouts were on a generic spreadsheet - or just felt that way!
  • Stuck at home or on vacation - your last program left you stranded!
  • You felt pain while moving - your last program didn't help you with your form!

Why Other Programs Didn't Work For You:

  • Your last program didn't help you with nutrition.
  • If it did, the recipes were too complex, time consuming or just plain gross!
  • Your workouts were on a generic spreadsheet - or just felt that way!
  • Stuck at home or on vacation - your last program left you stranded!
  • You felt pain while moving - your last program didn't help you with your form!

Your Program Should Be More Than A Plan - It Should Also Teach!

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Why Other Programs Didn't Work For You:

  • Your last program didn't help you with nutrition.
  • If it did, the recipes were too complex, time consuming or just plain gross!
  • Your workouts were on a generic spreadsheet - or just felt that way!
  • Stuck at home or on vacation - your last program left you stranded!
  • You felt pain while moving - your last program didn't help you with your form!

Your Program Should Be More Than A Plan

- It Should Also Teach!

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Your Program Should Be More Than A Plan - It Should Also Teach!

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The Best Plans Won't Work If You Don't Stick To Them!

The Best Plans Won't Work

If You Don't Stick To Them!

The Best Plans Won't Work

If You Don't Stick To Them!

To achieve lasting success in health and fitness, it’s crucial to have a plan that aligns with your life. Compliance is everything; too many sudden changes in your lifestyle will lead to failure. For instance, strict 6-week challenges often lead to temporary success, followed by a return to old habits and weight gain.

My training approach considers your lifestyle. Do you enjoy pizza or cocktails? Great! Let’s find a balance so you can still savor those pleasures while achieving your goals!

The path to lasting results involves committing to changes you can maintain. Saying “I’m never going to have ice-cream again” isn’t the solution. Instead, consider “having ice cream on Thursday and Sunday this week” - a more sustainable adjustment from nightly indulgence.

We continuously assess your progress through Weigh-ins, Form-Checks and Accountability Check-ins to determine if you’re headed in the best direction for you. If current compromises feel overwhelming, that’s okay! Let’s adjust

So that, whether it’s losing a few more pounds, adjusting exercise routines, or a nutrition plan, we make gradual, methodical changes to transform your fitness journey into a lifestyle, and not a plan you “
can’t wait to finish”.

Meet Your Coach :

Josh Pearson

To achieve lasting success in health and fitness, it’s crucial to have a plan that aligns with your life. Compliance is everything; too many sudden changes in your lifestyle will lead to failure. For instance, strict 6-week challenges often lead to temporary success, followed by a return to old habits and weight gain.

My training approach considers your lifestyle. Do you enjoy pizza or cocktails? Great! Let’s find a balance so you can still savor those pleasures while achieving your goals!

The path to lasting results involves committing to changes you can maintain. Saying “I’m never going to have ice-cream again” isn’t the solution. Instead, consider “having ice cream on Thursday and Sunday this week” - a more sustainable adjustment from nightly indulgence.

We continuously assess your progress through Weigh-ins, Form-Checks and Accountability Check-ins to determine if you’re headed in the best direction for you. If current compromises feel overwhelming, that’s okay! Let’s adjust

So that, whether it’s losing a few more pounds, adjusting exercise routines, or a nutrition plan, we make gradual, methodical changes to transform your fitness journey into a lifestyle, and not a plan you “
can’t wait to finish”.

Meet Your Coach :

Josh Pearson

To achieve lasting success in health and fitness, it’s crucial to have a plan that aligns with your life. Compliance is everything; too many sudden changes in your lifestyle will lead to failure. For instance, strict 6-week challenges often lead to temporary success, followed by a return to old habits and weight gain.

My training approach considers your lifestyle. Do you enjoy pizza or cocktails? Great! Let’s find a balance so you can still savor those pleasures while achieving your goals!

The path to lasting results involves committing to changes you can maintain. Saying “I’m never going to have ice-cream again” isn’t the solution. Instead, consider “having ice cream on Thursday and Sunday this week” - a more sustainable adjustment from nightly indulgence.

We continuously assess your progress through Weigh-ins, Form-Checks and Accountability Check-ins to determine if you’re headed in the best direction for you. If current compromises feel overwhelming, that’s okay! Let’s adjust

So that, whether it’s losing a few more pounds, adjusting exercise routines, or a nutrition plan, we make gradual, methodical changes to transform your fitness journey into a lifestyle, and not a plan you “
can’t wait to finish”.

Life Happens - Let's Plan For It!

Life Happens - Let's Plan For It!

Life Happens - Let's Plan For It!

“When I was 47 I weighed 465lbs and ate an entire pie every night. Scared I wouldn't make it to 50, I hired Josh. I’ve weighed less than 220# for the past 5 years, I still eat the occasional slice of pie and Feel Great!” -Tim

“I knew at some point, I was going to have Hip Replacement Surgery and thought I’d never be able to play with my grandkids. Since having Hip Surgery, I’ve wowed my Physical Therapist and have no problems crawling after my grandkids. Thanks Josh! -Kathy

After getting injured in a Body Pump Class, I was afraid to workout. Since starting Josh's program I've never felt stronger! I just started a new job, and added nutrition to my plan. He’s made it easy to eat what I need to, without having to cook all the time. -Sara

I wanted a way to get back into "pre-baby" shape. Josh programmed me 20 minute workouts each day and meals that even my husband will eat! I’m in better shape now than I was in High-School!


 Results in 3 Easy Steps!

 Results in 3 Easy Steps!

Results in

3 Easy Steps!

1.)  Choose A Program

You have different needs than others. Choose between 3 styles of programming to ensure the right fit

- for you!

2 .)  Create Your Plan Together

We will create short term and long term goals - and a plan for how to get there. Through Accountability Check-ins, you stay focused and committed.

3.)  See the Change

No more guessing. Learn how to adjust your plan as needed, and you'll see results in just a few short weeks.

1.)  Choose A Program

You have different needs than others. Choose between 3 styles of programming to ensure the right fit - for you.

2 .)  Create Your Plan Together

We will create short term and long term goals - and a plan for how to get there. Through Accountability Check-ins, you stay focused and committed.

3.)  See the Change

No more guessing. Learn how to adjust your plan as needed, and you'll see results in just a few short weeks.

1.)  Choose A Program

You have different needs than others. Choose between 3 styles of programming to ensure the right fit - for you!

2 .)  Create Your Plan Together

We will create short term and long term goals - and a plan for how to get there. Through Accountability Check-ins, you stay focused and committed.

3.)  See the Change

No more guessing. Learn how to adjust your plan as needed, and you'll see results in just a few short weeks.

This Time Will Be Different:

At Garage Gang Gyms, we know that you're determined to lose body fat and get toned. Maybe you've tried other programs, only to find yourself back at square one, feeling frustrated and helpless about ever getting a toned physique.

We believe that everyone deserves to be healthy and toned. With so many quick-fix solutions, one-size-fits-all plans and fitness gurus promising miracle results, it's easy to feel misled. We've taken a different approach and created an Online Training Platform that connects you with our Personal Trainer, Josh Pearson. Coach Josh will design you a personalized program and work with you to maintain long-term success.

Here's how it works:

Step 1: Choose Your Program

You have different needs than others. Choose between 3 styles of programming to ensure the right fit - for you.

Step 2: Create Your Plan Together

We will create short term and long term goals - and a plan for how to get there. Through Accountability Check-ins, you stay focused and committed.

Step 3: See the Change

By eliminating the guesswork and learning how to adjust your plan when needed, you'll start seeing results in just a few short weeks.

Don't wait any longer—invest in a program now to break free from the cycle of losing and gaining weight, and start living your life with a toned and healthy body.

This Time Will Be Different:

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At Garage Gang Gyms, we know that you're determined to lose body fat and get toned. Maybe you've tried other programs, only to find yourself back at square one, feeling frustrated and helpless about ever getting a toned physique.

We believe that everyone deserves to be healthy and toned. With so many quick-fix solutions, one-size-fits-all plans and fitness gurus promising miracle results, it's easy to feel misled. We've taken a different approach and created an Online Training Platform that connects you with our Personal Trainer, Josh Pearson. Coach Josh will design you a personalized program and work with you, to create the right habits, so that you can enjoy long-term success.

Here's how it works:

Step 1: Choose Your Program

You have different needs than others. Choose between 3 styles of programming to ensure the right fit - for you.

Step 2: Create Your Plan Together

We will create short term and long term goals - and a plan for how to get there. Through Accountability Check-ins, you stay focused and committed.

Step 3: See the Change

By eliminating the guesswork and learning how to adjust your plan when needed, you'll start seeing results in just a few short weeks.

Don't wait any longer—invest in a program now to break free from the cycle of losing and gaining weight, and start living your life with a toned and healthy body.

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At Garage Gang Gyms, we know that you're determined to lose body fat and get toned. Maybe you've tried other programs, only to find yourself back at square one, feeling frustrated and helpless about ever getting a toned physique.

We believe that everyone deserves to be healthy and toned. With so many quick-fix solutions, one-size-fits-all plans and fitness gurus promising miracle results, it's easy to feel misled. We've taken a different approach and created an Online Training Platform that connects you with our Personal Trainer, Josh Pearson. Coach Josh will design you a personalized program and work with you, to create the right habits, so that you can enjoy long-term success.

Here's how it works:

Step 1: Choose Your Program

You have different needs than others. Choose between 3 styles of programming to ensure the right fit - for you.

Step 2: Create Your Plan Together

We will create short term and long term goals - and a plan for how to get there. Through Accountability Check-ins, you stay focused and committed.

Step 3: See the Change

By eliminating the guesswork and learning how to adjust your plan when needed, you'll start seeing results in just a few short weeks.

Don't wait any longer—invest in a program now to break free from the cycle of losing and gaining weight, and start living your life with a toned and healthy body.

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